Plans From the Bottom Up: Redefining Leadership and Self-Organisation πŸš€

The legacy of the Lucas Plan teaches us a profound lesson in transformation.

Leaders are indeed overrated when they’re in ‘Control’ of the present paradigm.

In the dynamic landscape of modern work culture, the traditional hierarchical structures are facing scrutiny like never before.

Is it time to embrace a new paradigm? – one rooted in self-organisation and creative collaboration?

Most people agree we need a transformation, but don’t expect the tyrants of the present paradigm to let you get away with making improvements to the world.

They cling to power and sabotage your efforts.

πŸ’‘ Remember the groundbreaking Lucas Plan? …. No, neither do I!

In 1974, amidst a new Labour government’s vow to slash defense spending, significant layoffs loomed over one Birmingham factory, Lucas Aerospace.

Rather than resorting to conventional protests on the streets like the miners did, workers embarked on a remarkable endeavor to safeguard their jobs.

They proposed transitioning from manufacturing weaponry to pioneering eco-friendly technology, envisioning wind turbines and hybrid vehicles, marking it as one of Britain’s earliest forays into eco-manufacturing.

It was described as a silent revolution within factory walls, and is an overlooked yet pivotal chapter in British political history….Unsurprisingly?

It showed us that true leadership thrives in self-organisation, developing robust communities,Β  on facilitation, coaching, and fostering an environment where every voice is heard and valued.

However, despite global acclaim and even a Nobel Peace Prize nomination, the end result under Thatcherism and corprotocracy was the same as the miners.

Lucas Aerospace was gradually dismantled, and the eco-products never materialised.

Yet, for those involved, the Lucas experience remains a testament to resilience and innovation in the face of adversity.


#LucasPlan #SelfOrganisation #SuperTeams #TheJourney #Leadership #Facilitation #Coaching #Empowerment #Innovation #Collaboration

πŸš€ Embrace the Future: Small Teams with Massive Purpose and Passion! πŸš€

🌟 As we step into the New Year, let’s dive into the future together!

πŸš€ I’m Murph, your guide to unlocking mental toughness and building super-teams that redefine success. πŸ’ͺ✨

In the age of AI and technological leaps, the game has changed.

Small teams with a massive purpose and passion are the trailblazers, the innovators, and the game-changers. Why?

Because they’re RAD – Robust, Adaptable, and Determined! πŸŒπŸ’‘

πŸ” Why Small Teams? The power of small teams lies in their ability to tackle big challenges head-on. In a world driven by AI, being RAD is the secret sauce. These teams are like the Stoic Pilgrims of the modern era, navigating the complexities with resilience and determination. πŸ’ΌπŸš€

🎯 Leadership Revolution Leaders, it’s time for a mindset shift! The future demands leaders who can tap into the small team mentality. It’s about unleashing purpose, passion, and potential. The traditional playbook is evolving, and the key is in crafting small high-performing teams through collaboration, communication, and a shared commitment to excellence. 🌐🌈

πŸš€ Unlock the Future Let’s face it – the future is now, and it’s exciting! The technological wave is unstoppable, and small teams are surfing it with style. It’s not just about survival; it’s about thriving. Embrace the change, harness the power of small teams, and let’s create outsized value together! πŸš€πŸ’Ό

🌟 2024, Here We Come! So, here’s to the year ahead! A year of resilience, determination, and unlocking the full potential of small teams with massive purpose and passion. The future is bright, and together, we’ll make it RAD! 🌟πŸ’ͺ

Cheers to a year of growth, innovation, and success! πŸŽ‰βœ¨

Let’s do this! πŸ’ΌπŸš€

(If you want to explore the super-team concept in the age of Ai, drop me a DM for upcoming workshops and learn what development opportunities are available for purpose driven teams tackling big challenges!)

#SmallTeams #PurposeAndPassion #LeadershipRevolution #RADTeams #NewYear2024 #GameChangers #stoicpilgrims #AlwaysALittleFurther


Unlocking Excellence:Quickly – The Super-Team Lifecycle

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern work, the concept of Super-Teams combined with the latest technology is redefining success by breaking free from traditional hierarchies.

Here’s why these dynamic teams are proving to be catalysts for rapid and exceptional results:

– Collaboration Unleashed: Super-Teams prioritise collaboration over pecking orders. With a collective focus on shared goals, team members seamlessly pool their diverse skills, experiences, and perspectives, fostering an environment where innovation flourishes.

– Ideas Flow Freely: Hierarchical structures often stifle the flow of ideas as they move up the chain of command. Super-Teams, on the other hand, encourage open communication and idea-sharing among all members. This free exchange of thoughts sparks creativity and problem-solving at an unprecedented pace.

– Agile and Adaptive: Super-Teams are agile entities that adapt swiftly to changing circumstances. The absence of rigid hierarchies allows them to make decisions promptly, respond to challenges effectively, and iterate on strategies without bureaucratic delays.

– Ownership and Empowerment: In Super-Teams, every member owns a piece of the success puzzle. This sense of ownership and empowerment motivates individuals to go above and beyond, driving the entire team towards excellence. Without the constraints of pecking orders, each team member can contribute meaningfully to the collective success.

– Continuous Learning Culture: Super-Teams thrive on a culture of continuous learning. With a focus on merit rather than hierarchy, team members are more willing to share knowledge, mentor one another, and embrace a growth mindset. This accelerates skill development and ensures the team stays ahead of the curve.

– Results, Results, Results: Ultimately, the emphasis on collaboration, idea-sharing, agility, ownership, and continuous learning propels Super-Teams to produce outstanding results at an accelerated pace. By dismantling traditional hierarchies, these teams tap into the full spectrum of individual talents, creating a synergy that elevates their collective potential.

Are you part of a Super-Team or aspire to build one? Share your thoughts on how these collaborative powerhouses are reshaping the future of work! #SuperTeams #Collaboration #Innovation #Agility #Leadership

Let’s redefine success together!

πŸš€ Develop Your Super-Team with our FAST Methodology! πŸš€

A little introduction to our FAST methodology designed to cultivate ‘Super-Teams’ that defy expectations and achieve extraordinary results. 🌟

πŸ” Familiarisation Workshop: Lay the Foundation for Success

In Workshop 1, we focus on building trust, understanding, and a profound sense of belonging within your team. A united team is a powerful team, and Familiarisation is the first step toward unlocking that potential.

πŸ”— Alignment Workshop: Navigate with a Shared Mission Compass

Workshop 2 dives into creating psychological safety and certainty. We guide your team in building a mission compass, enabling them to make decisions that are not only effective but ecologically soundβ€”ensuring success without rocking the boat.

πŸ› οΈ Skills Session Workshop: Empower Every Team Member

In Workshop 3, we equip your team with the skills needed to coach, facilitate effective meetings, and unleash creative potential swiftly and effectively. With these tools, every team member becomes a catalyst for powerful collaboration.

🌊 Team Challenge Workshop: Thriving in Uncharted Waters

The final Workshop is the ultimate testβ€”instilling a sense of adventure while building the resilience, adaptability, and determination crucial for navigating uncharted waters. Your team emerges robust, adaptable, and enthusiastic about conquering new challenges.

Why choose our FAST methodology?

βœ… Proven Results: We’ve seen remarkable transformations in teams using our approach.

βœ… Holistic Approach: Covering trust-building, alignment, skill empowerment, and real-world challenges.

βœ… Sustainable Success: Equip your team with the tools to thrive in any situation.

Embark on the journey to creating Super-Teams within your company]. Let’s unleash the full potential of your teams and redefine what success looks like!

#SuperTeams #TeamDevelopment #Leadership #Innovation #FASTMethodology #askthestoicpilgrim

πŸš€ Unlocking Excellence: The Characteristics of Super-Teams πŸš€

In the dynamic landscape of modern organizations and the military, the concept of ‘Super-teams’ has emerged as a powerhouse for achieving unparalleled performance and results. When the mission demands tapping into the full spectrum of creative and collaborative potential, the Super-team concept becomes the go-to strategy.

Key Characteristics of Super-Teams:

1️⃣ Agency: Empower your team members with a sense of agencyβ€”the belief that their actions directly influence the outcome. It fosters a proactive mindset and fuels innovation.

2️⃣ Autonomy: Provide the freedom for teams to make decisions and execute tasks independently. Autonomy nurtures creativity, allowing team members to explore uncharted territories and devise groundbreaking solutions.

3️⃣ Alignment to Mission, Purpose, Cultural Values, and Ethos: A shared understanding of the mission, purpose, and cultural values is the compass that guides a Super-team. When every member is aligned, a powerful synergy is unleashed.

4️⃣ Mutual Accountability: The duality of agency and accountability ensures a balanced equation. While granting autonomy, it’s crucial to uphold accountability. Each team member takes ownership of their responsibilities, ensuring a collective commitment to success. In an era where adaptability is key, Super-teams stand out as catalysts for transformative outcomes. They embody a fusion of individual brilliance and collaborative strength, amplifying the capacity to overcome challenges and achieve outsized success. Embrace the Super-team concept to harness the true potential of your teams. When agency, autonomy, alignment, and accountability converge, extraordinary achievements become not just a possibility but a reality. 🌟

#SuperTeams #Collaboration #Innovation #Leadership #Teamwork #SuccessFormula #askthestoicpilgrim

Embracing Resilience: Navigating Life’s Challenges with Mental Toughness


I’ve had the privilege of delivering #mentaltoughness #walkshops at the Adventure Mind Conference #adventuremind23. In a world that’s evolving rapidly, developing mental toughness has never been more crucial. What I’ve noticed, especially in the aftermath of the pandemic, is an increase in apathy and depression among individuals. Depression and tenacity share a delicate balance; the more tenacious you are, the less likely you’ll succumb to negative moods.

This wisdom isn’t new; ancient philosophies such as Stoicism and Buddhism emphasized that while life is inherently painful, suffering is optional. Understanding how to embrace a more stoic mindset can be transformative, offering resilience in the face of life’s challenges, whether personal or professional.

As we embark on a paradigm shift, we’re confronted with significant challenges. The good news is that we can equip ourselves to be more Robust, Adaptable, and Determinedβ€”essentially, more RAD! This mindset not only helps us endure hardships but propels us toward success in our endeavors. After all, nothing lasts forever, not even our troubles, so why not suffer less during tough times?

But how do we become more RAD? There are two key approaches. The first involves actively pursuing peak performance flow statesβ€”those moments where we operate at our optimum, producing remarkable results. Engaging in these activities not only enhances well-being but also adds meaning to our lives.

The second approach is to build up the RAD center in our brain, scientifically known as the Anterior Medial Cingulate Cortex. This region is intricately connected to various parts of the brain, including reward centers and the autonomic nervous system. Neuroscience research on willpower highlights the pivotal role of the RAD in facing challenging situations. When stimulated, individuals feel that they’re about to face challenging situations, but feel prepared to overcome whatever it is, that’s about to happen.

The RAD grows throughout our lives, especially when we engage in activities we might initially resist. This is where adventurous activities, particularly novel and challenging ones, play a vital role in developing this highly plastic part of the brain. Remarkably, high achievers and ‘Super-Agers’ exhibit strong RAD centers.

So, if you aspire to achieve more, find greater happiness, and live a longer, fulfilling life, consider booking your team on a ‘Survival & Mental Toughness’ Workshop.

These experiences not only equip you with new skills to overcome novel challenges but also provide insights on how to become more robust, adaptable, and determined to succeed in life!

#BeMoreRAD #Resilience #PeakPerformance #MindsetMatters #mentalhealth #wellbeing #SuperTeams #SuperTeamConcept #StoicPilgrimPhilosophyΒ 

Creating a World Powered by AI and Super-Teams

In an era defined by technological advancements, the fusion of artificial intelligence (AI) and the concept of Super-Teams is reshaping the landscape of innovation and progress. These Super-Teams embody a set of core principles that propel them towards unparalleled success. Let’s delve into the essence of these principles and how they contribute to shaping a world driven by AI.

S – Self-Organising:

Super-Teams operate on the principle of self-organisation, where individuals collaborate seamlessly, adapting to changing circumstances and leveraging their collective intelligence. This dynamic approach ensures agility and quick responses to evolving challenges, fostering an environment that thrives on innovation.

U – Understand & Trust:

Understanding is the cornerstone of effective collaboration. Super-Teams prioritise clear communication and a deep understanding of each team member’s strengths and expertise. Trust, the glue that binds these teams together, is built through transparency, reliability, and a shared commitment to common goals.

P – Purpose-Focused:

A Super-Team is driven by a shared purpose that goes beyond individual ambitions. Aligning every action and decision with a common objective amplifies the impact of AI applications. Purpose-focused teams harness the full potential of AI to address complex problems and create solutions that make a lasting difference.

E – Excellence Driven:

Excellence is not just a goal; it’s a standard. Super-Teams embrace a culture of continuous improvement and push boundaries to achieve excellence in every aspect of their work. The integration of AI amplifies their capabilities, enabling them to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and innovation.

RAD! – Robust: Adaptable & Determined to Succeed:

In a world powered by AI, robustness is non-negotiable. Super-Teams ensure the reliability and resilience of their AI applications, rigorously testing and refining their systems to withstand diverse challenges. A robust foundation allows for sustainable growth and success in the face of uncertainties.

Change is the only constant, and Super-Teams are masters of adaptation. Whether it’s evolving technologies or shifting market dynamics, these teams leverage AI to anticipate changes and pivot swiftly. Adaptability ensures they stay at the forefront of progress, turning challenges into opportunities.

Super-Teams embody unwavering determination. With a relentless pursuit of success, they channel the power of AI to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. This determination fuels resilience in the face of setbacks, turning setbacks into stepping stones towards even greater achievements.

In conclusion, the marriage of AI and Super-Teams heralds a future where innovation knows no bounds. By embracing principles of self-organisation, understanding, purpose, excellence, robustness, adaptability, and unwavering determination, these teams are shaping a world that leverages AI as a force for positive transformation.

#AI #SuperTeams #Innovation #FutureOfWork #Technology #Collaboration #ExcellenceDriven #Adaptability #Determination #DigitalTransformation #Leadership #PurposeDriven #ArtificialIntelligence

Leaders Are Overrated, but the Art of Leadership Is Essential Within ‘The ‘Super-Team’ Concept…

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving work environments, we often place a lot of emphasis on leader development.

We admire and aspire to be leaders, believing that leaders are the key to success. But what if I told you that leaders are overrated?

Before you dismiss this idea, allow me to explain why leaders are overrated but the art of leadership is essential in every team member.

Redefining Leadership

Traditionally, leaders have been synonymous with titles, hierarchies, and authority. It’s the CEO, the manager, or the team lead who holds the leadership role.

But in our complex and interconnected world, this traditional view of leaders is not just becoming increasingly outdated, it’s been a major stumbling block to human evolution and why we’re on the verge of an eco-polycrisis of epic proportions.

Leadership is not about a title, it is a verb, not a noun.

Archimedes said

Give me a leader long enough and a place to stand and I can move the world.

Leadership within teams is the lever and the place to stand is humility. Super-Teams know this from experience.

The ethos of the SAS is

The unrelenting pursuit of excellence, humility and humour.

It’s better to perceive leadership as a field of energy that exists within a team. It’s about influence. It’s about the ability to inspire, motivate, and guide others, regardless of your position in the organisation.

In this sense, leaders are not limited to those at the top; leaders can emerge from any level of an organisation.

Who rises to become the leader?

That depends on the event or, who has the experience to guide the team through the challenge or opportunity.

Perhaps the expertise, the enthusiasm or maybe even the enlightened ‘Ah Ha’ moment.

So what does that mean to leadership development?

Training Needs to Focus on Leadership Skills in Every Team Member

Β£$Millions are wasted on leadership development which doesn’t actually change a ‘leader’s’ behaviours.

But, if leadership is not confined to a select few, what does it mean for every team member to possess leadership qualities?

It means recognising that leadership traits are not exclusive to just a few people in a high performing team. They can and should be nurtured in every individual within the teams..

**1. Communication: Effective Super-team members communicate clearly and listen actively. In a super-team, every member who can articulate ideas and actively listen contributes to better decision-making and problem-solving.

**2. Empathy: Super-team members understand and trust their team members’ perspectives and needs. Team members practice empathy if they’re blessed with emotional intelligence, but if not, we teach them some simple tools and rules to develop a more supportive, inclusive and cohesive work environment.

**3. Initiative: Super-team members take the initiative to drive projects forward. When every team member takes ownership of their work and seeks opportunities for improvement, the entire team becomes more productive and innovative.

**4. Adaptability: Super-team members adapt to changing circumstances and embrace challenges. In today’s dynamic world, adaptability is a trait that benefits everyone.

**5. Collaboration: Super-team members can facilitate and coach to enhance collaboration and teamwork. When every team member values collaboration, silos are broken down, and cross-functional cooperation flourishes.

Why in Super-Teams in Every Team Member Matters

The essence of leadership in every team member lies in its ability to create a culture of shared responsibility and continuous improvement. When everyone embraces leadership qualities, it leads to the following benefits:

  1. Enhanced Innovation: Diverse perspectives and proactive problem-solving drive innovation within the team.

  2. Improved Decision-Making: Informed and collaborative decision-making becomes the norm, leading to better outcomes.

  3. Higher Engagement: When team members feel empowered to lead in their roles, they become more engaged and committed to the organisation’s success.

  4. Resilience: A team where every member demonstrates leadership traits is more resilient in the face of challenges and change.

  5. Determination To Succeed: Nurturing leadership qualities in all team members creates a robust leadership pipeline, ensuring continuity in leadership roles.

In Conclusion

Leaders are overrated; but leadership is essential. However, leadership is not limited to a select few. The art of leadership should be cultivated in every team member. When everyone embraces leadership qualities, the entire organisation thrives, creating a culture of empowerment, innovation, and success.

So, next time you think about leadership, remember that it’s not just for those with titles. Leadership is for everyone who aspires to make a positive impact and drive positive change within their team, organisation and community.

Are you ready to embrace the ‘Super-Team Concept?

I invite you to join me on this journey towards a more inclusive and empowered workplace, where leadership knows no bounds.

#InnovationInLeadership #EveryTeamMemberALeader #EmpowerYourTeam #EffectiveLeadership #CollaborativeLeadership #LeadershipSkills #EveryTeamMemberALeader #LeadershipEmpowerment #LeadershipMatters

πŸš€ Unlocking Success: The Power of ‘Super-Teams’ πŸš€

In the world of business, we often hear about high-performing teams that achieve remarkable success. But what sets these teams apart?

Let’s dive into the concept of ‘Super-Teams’ and why they are the driving force behind exceptional accomplishments.

1️⃣ Self-organising: Super-Teams aren’t just groups of individuals; they are dynamic learning entities. Liberated from hierarchy, they acquire knowledge, refine skills, and adapt to new challenges. Learning is their foundation for success.

2️⃣ Understanding & Trust: Super-Teams invest time in building trust and understanding among members. They recognise that trust is the glue that holds a team together, and understanding is the key to effective collaboration. We use adventure based learning experiences to help speed this process up, giving you more bang for your development buck!.

3️⃣ Purpose-Focused: These teams are driven by a clear sense of purpose. They know their mission and remain relentlessly focused on achieving it. They understand that there are multiple paths to success and are agile in finding the best way forward.

4️⃣ Excellence-Driven: Super-Teams are not afraid of failure; they embrace it as a stepping stone to excellence. After-action reviews are their secret sauce for continuous improvement. They analyse both successes and mistakes, taking one small step at a time towards which is the path of excellence.

5️⃣ Robust, Adaptable & Determined: be more RAD! Super-Teams possess the resilience to withstand challenges, the adaptability to thrive in changing environments, and an unwavering determination to succeed. They are the epitome of grit and resilience.

Historically, these teams have been given various names, such as ‘Special’ project teams or special forces. πŸš€

However, they aren’t inherently ‘special’ individuals. Instead, they are teams that execute the basics exceptionally well, with ruthless consistency.

The power of a Super-Team lies in its ability to harness collective strengths, leverage diverse skills, and relentlessly pursue a shared vision. We don’t need another technical revolution because we have all the technology we need.

What we need ia a human evolution which means getting back to our collaborative advantage and ‘Super-teams’ will help us get there. But they need training as this unleashed potential and collective creativity has been suppressed for command and control thinking.

As we strive for success let’s take a page from the Super-Team playbook and build teams that excel through continuous learning, trust, purpose, excellence, and unwavering determination.

Tag your Super-Team members and share your thoughts on what makes a team truly exceptional! πŸ’ͺ🌟 #SuperTeamsΒ #SuccessΒ #TeamworkΒ #ContinuousLearningΒ #Excellence

πŸš€ By Introducing Risk into Our Adventure-Based Learning Experiences (ABLE) We Create Impactful Learning Experiences πŸŒŸ

We’re always striving to innovate and create impactful learning experiences. On Our β€˜Secret Agent Missions’ we’ve incorporated the powerful β€˜Broken Window Strategy’, transforming the way participants learn and grow. πŸ“š

πŸ” What is the Broken Window Strategy? The Broken Window Theory, famously applied in New York City, teaches us the profound impact of attitudes and team behaviour. It underscores the significance of addressing small issues promptly to prevent larger problems, because when you’re being followed by enemy agents, SOP’s and tactics matter!

πŸŒ„ Incorporating it into ABLE: The Journey

  1. Setting the Stage: We start by introducing the scenario to our participants, laying the foundation for the immersive experience that follows.
  2. Designing the Adventure: Our ABLE adventures are meticulously designed to simulate real-life operations. Participants find themselves in environments where they must maintain operational security (OPSEC) and address issues as they arise.
  3. Immediate Consequences: We create situations where a lack of focus leads to immediate consequences. It’s all about showcasing the ripple effect of our actions.
  4. Feedback and Reflection: After each challenge, we provide feedback, encouraging participants to reflect on how their choices impact the results and the team.
  5. Group Discussions: Collaborative learning is at the heart of ABLE. Our participants engage in thoughtful discussions, drawing parallels between their experiences and real-life situations.
  6. Immersion and Decision-Making: We challenge participants with immersive scenarios, allowing them to apply the team’s collective wisdom into their decisions.
  7. Repeatable Learning: We integrate multiple scenarios throughout our ABLE programs to ensure that these lessons become ingrained over the one- or two-day missions.
  8. Debrief and Application: Our final debriefing session equips participants with the knowledge and motivation to apply what they’ve learned in their personal and professional lives.

🌟 The Result? By weaving the Broken Window Strategy into our ABLE experiences, we empower individuals to understand the profound impact of maintaining self-discipline, addressing small issues, and adhering to behavioural norms. It’s experiential learning at its best, driving lasting change in diverse contexts.

We’re committed to redefining learning paradigms and creating learning experiences which are memorable, impactful and a fun way to build robust, adaptable and determined leaders and teams.πŸ’ͺ

#AdventureBasedLearning #ExperientialLearning #EducationInnovation #BehavioralNorms #LearningJourney #LinkedInLearning #ProfessionalDevelopment