🌿 Nature Fix: Solving Your Tech Problems

In a world dominated by technology and capitalism, it’s easy to overlook the environmental and social impacts of our digital obsession. The sheer amount of energy consumption and e-waste generated by our tech-driven lifestyles is staggering, yet questioning this status quo is often discouraged.

Mark Zuckerberg famously envisioned “an embodied internet where you’re in the experience, not just looking at it.” I couldn’t think of anything worse than being a tech-slave for Meta, but that’s the only way they can make a profit in the longer term.

Perhaps, after 3 billion years of evolution, nature holds the ultimate blueprint for connectivity and sustainability.

Imagine this: instead of relying on energy-intensive gadgets, we embrace the simplicity of nature’s solutions and live a simpler and less energy-intensive life?

Take, for example, our two guinea pigs who efficiently cut the grass in our garden, a natural and eco-friendly alternative to power-hungry lawnmowers.

But daring to think differently requires courage. It challenges the norms perpetuated by profit-driven agendas, like Zuckerberg’s desire to keep us all hooked up for his gain.

That’s why we’re excited to announce our upcoming event: Bold Leadership in a Bizarre World Walkshop on July 18th.


Join us as we explore unconventional leadership strategies amidst the serenity of nature. It’s a chance to break free from the confines of the digital matrix and embrace fresh perspectives.

DM me if you’re ready to bring your clients and collaborators for an immersive experience that promises to ignite dialogue and creativity. Let’s step outside the matrix and forge a path towards a more sustainable and connected future. 🌱

#OutsideTheMatrix #NatureFix #BoldLeadership